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Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Genesis 32-34 = Week 05 - Wednesday

Jacob & Esau - Round 2

Read Genesis & See Chapter Headings
Read Genesis 32
Read Genesis 33
Read Genesis 34

After gathering his wives and children and leaving Laban behind, Jacob faces the dangerous confrontation with his brother Esau who had vowed to kill him because of his deception in the matter of the blessing from Isaac. (Genesis 32:1-33:20)

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Genesis 30-31 = Week 05 - Tuesday

Jacob Leaves Laban

Read Genesis & See Chapter Headings
Read Genesis 30
Read Genesis 31

After 20 years of service Jacob prepares for his departure from Laban by offering him a potentially lucrative proposal.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Genesis 27-29 = Week 05 - Monday

The Battle for the Blessing

Read Genesis & See Chapter Headings
Read Genesis 27

In this lesson we will see the outcome of Jacob's deceit in obtaining Esau's blessing and how God's will is completed despite the manipulations of men. (Genesis 27:1-46)

Jacob's Family

Read Genesis & See Chapter Headings
Read Genesis 28

God says, beloved, trust Me to do in you what you could never do for yourself. I am indeed with you—⁠watching over you wherever you are, wherever you go.

Genesis 28:15 I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you. 

Read Genesis 29

In this section of Genesis we learn how Jacob came to have two wives who would, in addition to their female slaves, bear the 12 sons of Jacob.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Proverbs 2:1-22 The Benefits of Wisdom = Week 03 - Saturday

The Benefits & Value of Wisdom

Proverbs 2:1-22

Reminder: Pray to God to set your heart right as you engage His word. The text you are about to study was not written to you but is written for you. So, before applying we must ask the following questions:
  • What did it mean to the original reader or original audience?
READ THE SCRIPTURE(Multiple times & translations and notice the words that standout)
Biblegateway (NIV) (My choice of all-round site. Great app, better on computers or on phone)
StepBible (ESV) (Great on phone or computer with good resources.)

Topical Bible

Potential Sermon Titles: ??

Intro Questions to get us thinking:
1. What collectible item do you treasure the most? Why that one? 
2. What do you keep that your family, parents, spouse, or children would rather you throw out?

ESV Text with Highlights


#People = The Seeker of Wisdom, The Wicked, Adulterous Woman

#Time =

#Place = Paths of justice, Way of evil, Land of the upright

#Obedient faith


#Key Idea

Proverbs 2:1-22

The Value of Wisdom

My son, if you receive my words
    and treasure up my commandments with you,
2 making your ear attentive to wisdom
    and inclining your heart to understanding;
3 yes, if you call out for insight
    and raise your voice for understanding,
4 if you seek it like silver
    and search for it as for hidden treasures,
5 then you will understand the fear of the Lord
    and find the knowledge of God.
6 For the Lord gives wisdom;
    from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;
7 he stores up sound wisdom for the upright;
    he is a shield to those who walk in integrity,
8 guarding the paths of justice
    and watching over the way of his saints.
9 Then you will understand righteousness and justice
    and equity, every good path;
10 for wisdom will come into your heart,
    and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul;
11 discretion will watch over you,
    understanding will guard you,
12 delivering you from the way of evil,
    from men of perverted speech,
13 who forsake the paths of uprightness
    to walk in the ways of darkness,
14 who rejoice in doing evil
    and delight in the perverseness of evil,
15 men whose paths are crooked,
    and who are devious in their ways.

16 So you will be delivered from the forbidden woman,
    from the adulteress with her smooth words,
17 who forsakes the companion of her youth
    and forgets the covenant of her God;
18 for her house sinks down to death,
    and her paths to the departed;
19 none who go to her come back,
    nor do they regain the paths of life.

20 So you will walk in the way of the good
    and keep to the paths of the righteous.
21 For the upright will inhabit the land,
    and those with integrity will remain in it,
22 but the wicked will be cut off from the land,
    and the treacherous will be rooted out of it.

OBSERVATIONS(Reflect on the topic and build the concept the writer is trying to communicate to the original audience)
ebible (NLT) (Best for having Bible sections divided by "pericope" or sections by thought)
Bible Project (NLT) (Helpful videos and instructions for the bigger picture)
Thematic Bible(Books and Chapters Structure)
Bible Hub = Outline, Themes, Topics, People, Locations, and Questions

Wisdom saves from evil and pays benefits.

2:1–22 This chapter contains a paternal call regarding wisdom. It begins with a series of “if” statements that describe the search for wisdom (vv. 1–4), and it continues with several “then” statements about the results of wisdom. Wisdom provides an understanding of the fear of Yahweh (v. 5) as well as righteousness and justice (v. 9). It also delivers from evil, as the wise person can withstand temptation (vv. 11–19). The person who seeks and finds wisdom walks in righteousness and avoids the judgment of the wicked (vv. 20–22).

I. It Will Sanctify You (2:1–6): We are to treasure wisdom’s instructions and learn to fear the Lord.

II.   It Will Secure You (2:7–9): It serves as a shield and guard.

III.  It Will Satisfy You (2:10–11): “Knowledge will fill you with joy.”

IV.  It Will Save You (2:12–22)

A.   From godless men (2:12–15, 20–22): “Follow the steps of good men … and stay on the paths of the righteous.”

B.   From godless women (2:16–19): Wisdom saves you from immoral women.


“This chapter presents the five fruits of wisdom.”
(1) The seeker shall find God (Proverbs 2:1-8).
(2) Wisdom provides many precious rewards (Proverbs 2:9-11).
(3) God’s man is delivered from evil (Proverbs 2:12-15).
(4) He is safe from harlotry (Proverbs 2:16-19).
(5) He will receive a special inheritance (Proverbs 2: Proverbs 2:20-22).


The Pursuit of Wisdom: A Lifelong Journey
Verses 1-5: The Quest for Wisdom
Verses 6-8: Wisdom as a Divine Gift
Verses 9-11: The Rewards of Wisdom
Verses 12-15: Protection from Wickedness
Verses 16-19: Protection from Immorality
Verses 20-22: Walking in the Path of the Good

STUDY RESOURCES (This takes some work and here are more resources than you can go through completely)
StudyLight (LEB) (Great site with commentaries by Burton Coffman)
NETBible (New English Translation) (Great for original text information)
BibleHub (HCSB) (Good on computer or app/phone with lots of well-organized information.)
BlueLetter  (KJV) (A variety of resources and good on Phones / better on Computers)
Literal Word (NASB) (Works well on a smartphone or computer + for searching for words like a printed concordance) (NCV) (Great on a computer especially if you have a logos account)
KnowingJesus (Phone / Computer and great for comparing translations)

  • God is ... What do we learn about God in this passage?
  • We are ... What do we learn about people in this passage?
  • If in Proverbs 1:20ff it was wisdom who was clamoring to be heard, who must clamor now? Why? If not "clamorous," what tone of voice do you now hear this father using? 
  • By what means and in what order does this wisdom come to us? (Note the verbs.) Why begin with God's words and commandments? 
  • What is the goal of this treasure hunt (vv. 5-6): Head knowledge? Moral knowledge? Behavior change? Conversion? Why do you think so? 
  • Is such a relationship with God discovered or given? Why? 
  • How does God help you in this (vv. 7-8)? What further benefits attend the awe and intimacy of knowing God (vv. 9-11)? 
  • Verses 12-19 are in couplets, each half mirroring the other, even in keywords: What other poetic parallelism do you see? 
  • What protection (vv. 12-19) and provision (vv. 20-22) can you expect from wisdom?

APPLICATION(God wants us all to arrive at action, life-changing faith)
Heartlight (Great for practical application of scripture)
The Message (MSG) (An easy-to-read paraphrase that helps some with application)

  • How's your search for wisdom coming along: "I found it"? "I lost it"? Or "I give up, where is it"? What two clues from this passage can help you find the source and benefits of wisdom? 
  • What attracts you to the "ways of good men" (v. 20): Their looks? Their means? Results (vv. 21-22)? Why? 
  • Since pleasures of sin are compelling, what must righteousness and wisdom counter-offer for you to follow them instead? 
  • Is the path of your life taking you where you've always dreamed of going? Or are you off-course somewhere? How can knowing God better help get you back on track? Likewise, how can our group help?
  • I will ... What has the Holy Spirit revealed to us in this passage? How can I apply it to my life this week?

  • You can ... Who do you know who needs to hear this? Feel free to share with others by social media links at the bottom of this.

Extra Proverbs on Topic
Proverbs 2:1-22
Proverbs 3:12-24

#Commands #Commandments
  • Proverbs 2:1 My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee; 2 So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding; 3 Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding; 4 If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; 5 Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God. 
  • Proverbs 3:1 My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: 2 For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. 
  • Proverbs 4:1 Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding. 2 For I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my law. 3 For I was my father's son, tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother. 4 He taught me also, and said unto me, Let thine heart retain my words: keep my commandments, and live. 
  • Proverbs 6:20 My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother: 21 Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck. 22 When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee. 23 For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life: 24 To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman. 
  • Proverbs 7:1 My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee. 2 Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. 3 Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart. 4 Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; and call understanding thy kinswoman: 
  • Proverbs 13:13 Whoso despiseth the word shall be destroyed: but he that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded. 
  • Proverbs 13:14 The law of the wise is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death. 
  • Proverbs 19:16 He that keepeth the commandment keepeth his own soul; but he that despiseth his ways shall die. 
  • Proverbs 28:4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them. 
  • Proverbs 28:7 Whoso keepeth the law is a wise son: but he that is a companion of riotous men shameth his father. 
  • Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. 
  • Proverbs 30:5 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

Other YouTube Videos

Through the Word Audio



Friday, January 26, 2024

Genesis 25-26 = Week 04 - Friday

The Life of Esau and Jacob

Read Genesis & See Chapter Headings
Read Genesis 25
Read Genesis 26

After the death of Abraham, the promise is passed on to one of his sons but not without difficulty and division in his family.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Genesis 22-24 = Week 04 - Thursday

Abraham's Test

Read Genesis & See Chapter Headings
Read Genesis 22
Read Genesis 23
Read Genesis 24

This lesson leads to the climax of Abraham's journey of faith and describes the events surrounding Sarah's death.

Types in Genesis

This lesson reviews some important types or previews that are contained in Genesis and realized centuries later in the New Testament.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Genesis 19-21 = Week 04 - Wednesday

Lot's Poor Choices

Read Genesis & See Chapter Headings
Read Genesis 19

In this lesson we see the very real consequences of Lot's choices concerning where he chose to live with his family after separating from Abraham. (Genesis 18:1-19;38)

The Source of Islam

In chapters 20 and 21 of Genesis we read about Abraham's continued walk of faith and a description of the people who where the source for the religion of Islam.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Genesis 16-18 = Week 04 - Tuesday

Sarai and Hagar's Conflict / Abram and Circumcision

Read Genesis & See Chapter Headings
Read Genesis 16
Read Genesis 17
Read Genesis 18

This lesson looks a the very source of the Jewish/Arab conflict as well as the distinguishing mark given to Abraham and all his male descendants... circumcision.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Genesis 12-15 Abraham = Week 04 - Monday


Genesis 12-15


Reminder: Pray to God to set your heart right as you engage His word. The text you are about to study was not written to you but is written for you. So, before applying we must ask the following questions:
  • What did it mean to the original reader or original audience?
READ THE SCRIPTURE (Multiple times & translations and notice the words that standout)
Biblegateway (NIV, ESV, NET, AMP, NLT) (My choice of all-round site. It is a Great app, better on computers, but works on smartphones)
ESV (English Standard Version) Good translation with some helpful resources. (New Century Version) (Great on a computer especially if you have a logos account)



Potential Sermon Titles: ??

Intro Questions to get us thinking:

ESV Text with Highlights
#God = 
#Obedient faith = 
#Sin = 
#Key Idea = 

Genesis 12 ESV

OBSERVATIONS (Reflect on the topic and build the concept the writer is trying to communicate to the original audience)
ebible (NLT) (Best for having Bible sections divided by "pericope" or sections by thought)
Bible Project (NLT) (Helpful videos and instructions for the bigger picture)
Thematic Bible (Books and Chapters Structure)
Bible Hub =Outline, Themes, Topics, People, Locations, and Questions

STUDY RESOURCES (This takes some work and here are more resources than you can go through completely)
Rhys N. Thomas @ Thomas Theology Hub is a great resource.
NETBible (New English Translation) (Great for original text information)
StepBible (ESV) (Great on phone or computer with good resources.)
Literal Word  (New American Standard Bible) (Works well on a smartphone or computer + for searching for words like a printed concordance)
BlueLetter  (King James Version) (A variety of resources and good on Phones / better on Computers)
BibleHub (HCSB, BSB) (Good on computer or app/phone with lots of well-organized information.) (New King James Version) Basic able to compare core translations.
StudyLight (Amplified Bible) (Great site with commentaries by Burton Coffman)
KnowingJesus (Phone / Computer and great for comparing translations) (Lexham English Bible)
  • God is ... What do we learn about God in this passage?
  • We are ... What do we learn about people in this passage?

APPLICATION (God wants us all to arrive at action, life-changing faith)
Biblegateway (ICB, CSB, NLT, MSG) has some application resources. (An easy-to-read paraphrase that helps some with application)
Heartlight (Great for practical application of scripture)

  • I will ... What has the Holy Spirit revealed to us in this passage? How can I apply it to my life this week?
  • What transformative move needs to be made?
  • You can ... Who do you know who needs to hear this? Feel free to share with others via social media links at this bottom.

Take Away Challenges
  • What has the Holy Spirit revealed to you in this passage? How will you apply it to your life this week?
  • Whom do you know who needs to hear this?
  • What is God bringing to your attention in this discussion? What beliefs, thoughts, or actions need to be addressed or changed?

PRAYER:  In the Name of Jesus.

Other Resources:

Read Genesis & See Chapter Headings
Read Genesis 12

 The narratives of chs. 12–50 tell the story of Israel’s patriarchs: Abram (later called Abraham) and the three generations after him. In vv. 1–3, Yahweh calls Abram to leave his home and set out for an unknown land. By following Yahweh’s call, Abram demonstrates his trust in Yahweh’s promise to bless him and make him a great nation. The patriarchal narratives center on Yahweh promises to Abram in vv. 1–3 for offspring, land, and blessing.
   Genesis 12 marks a shift as Yahweh narrows His focus to Abram and his descendants and begins to work through a specifically chosen people.
Barry, J. D., Mangum, D., Brown, D. R., Heiser, M. S., Custis, M., Ritzema, E., … Bomar, D. (2012, 2016). Faithlife Study Bible (Ge 12:1–9). Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.

The Tower of Babel – What’s the Problem? With the beginning of chapter 12 the book of Genesis focuses once again on one specific individual. This time the writers will detail the life of Abraham who was to become the father of the Jewish nation and how the Seed of Promise was kept alive through him. (Genesis 12:1-20)

 The region of Phoenicia and Syria-Palestine. It was actually a geographic term, not an ethnic one, but the OT writers employed “Canaanites” to broadly refer to the range of peoples living in the region. After the establishment of the Israelite monarchy, “Canaanite” came to mean the pre-Israelite population without respect to race or social status.
Barry, J. D., Mangum, D., Brown, D. R., Heiser, M. S., Custis, M., Ritzema, E., … Bomar, D. (2012, 2016). Faithlife Study Bible (Ge 12:5). Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press. Abraham and Lot

Read Genesis & See Chapter Headings
Read Genesis 13

This lesson reviews the relationship between Abraham and his nephew Lot as well as the godly wisdom the family leader used to resolve a serious dispute.

Melchizedek: A "Type" for Christ

Read Genesis & See Chapter Headings
Read Genesis 14

This lesson introduces the fascinating figure of Melchizedek, one of the earliest types or previews for Christ in the Bible.

 The Gospel in the Old Testament

Read Genesis & See Chapter Headings
Read Genesis 15

In this section of Genesis God reveals the core principle of the Gospel to Abraham, salvation by a process of faith.

  • Discovery Bible Study

  • Articles

  • Devotions
Daily Hope Devotionals
  • Links 

Please let me know if you find any broken links or corrections that need to be made. Thank you for helping to make this useful.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Proverbs 1:1-33 Purpose and Theme = Week 02 - Saturday

Purpose and Theme

Proverbs 1:1-33

Reminder: Pray to God to set your heart right as you engage His word. The text you are about to study was not written to you but is written for you. So, before applying we must ask the following questions:
  • What did it mean to the original reader or original audience?
READ THE SCRIPTURE(Multiple times & translations and notice the words that standout)
Biblegateway (NIV) (My choice of all-round site. Great app, better on computers or on phone)
StepBible (ESV) (Great on phone or computer with good resources.)

#Call to Wisdom

Topical Bible

Potential Sermon Titles: ??

Intro Questions to get us thinking:

ESV Text with Highlights


#People = Solomon, The Wise, The Foolish, The Simple, Sinners

#Time =

#Place = Public Places (streets, city gates)

#Obedient faith


#Key Idea

Proverbs 1

The Beginning of Knowledge

1 The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel:

2 To know wisdom and instruction,
    to understand words of insight,
3 to receive instruction in wise dealing,
    in righteousness, justice, and equity;
4 to give prudence to the simple,
    knowledge and discretion to the youth—
5 Let the wise hear and increase in learning,
    and the one who understands obtain guidance,
6 to understand a proverb and a saying,
    the words of the wise and their riddles.

7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;
    fools despise wisdom and instruction.

The Enticement of Sinners

8 Hear, my son, your father's instruction,
    and forsake not your mother's teaching,
9 for they are a graceful garland for your head
    and pendants for your neck.
10 My son, if sinners entice you,
    do not consent.
11 If they say, “Come with us, let us lie in wait for blood;
    let us ambush the innocent without reason;
12 like Sheol let us swallow them alive,
    and whole, like those who go down to the pit;
13 we shall find all precious goods,
    we shall fill our houses with plunder;
14 throw in your lot among us;
    we will all have one purse”—
15 my son, do not walk in the way with them;
    hold back your foot from their paths,
16 for their feet run to evil,
    and they make haste to shed blood.
17 For in vain is a net spread
    in the sight of any bird,
18 but these men lie in wait for their own blood;
    they set an ambush for their own lives.
19 Such are the ways of everyone who is greedy for unjust gain;
    it takes away the life of its possessors.

The Call of Wisdom

20 Wisdom cries aloud in the street,
    in the markets she raises her voice;
21 at the head of the noisy streets she cries out;
    at the entrance of the city gates she speaks:
22 “How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple?
How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing
    and fools hate knowledge?
23 If you turn at my reproof,
behold, I will pour out my spirit to you;
    I will make my words known to you.
24 Because I have called and you refused to listen,
    have stretched out my hand and no one has heeded,
25 because you have ignored all my counsel
    and would have none of my reproof,
26 I also will laugh at your calamity;
    I will mock when terror strikes you,
27 when terror strikes you like a storm
    and your calamity comes like a whirlwind,
    when distress and anguish come upon you.
28 Then they will call upon me, but I will not answer;
    they will seek me diligently but will not find me.
29 Because they hated knowledge
    and did not choose the fear of the Lord,
30 would have none of my counsel
    and despised all my reproof,
31 therefore they shall eat the fruit of their way,
    and have their fill of their own devices.
32 For the simple are killed by their turning away,
    and the complacency of fools destroys them;
33 but whoever listens to me will dwell secure
    and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.”

OBSERVATIONS(Reflect on the topic and build the concept the writer is trying to communicate to the original audience)
ebible (NLT) (Best for having Bible sections divided by "pericope" or sections by thought)
Bible Project (NLT) (Helpful videos and instructions for the bigger picture)
Thematic Bible(Books and Chapters Structure)
Bible Hub = Outline, Themes, Topics, People, Locations, and Questions

Wisdom warns about being enticed by sinners.

I. The Reasons for the Proverbs (1:1–7)

A.   To grasp wisdom and discipline (1:1–2): They help with the understanding of wise sayings.

B.   To receive guidance and understand deep thoughts (1:3, 5–7): People who listen to the proverbs learn the fear of the Lord.

C.   To give insight to the immature and mature alike (1:4): The Proverbs give knowledge and purpose.

II.   The Recipients of the Proverbs (1:8–33): Solomon’s son in particular

A.   Advice regarding wicked companions (1:8–19): Stay away from them! Why?

1.   They terrorize others (1:8–17).

2.   They trap themselves and rob themselves of life (1:18–19).

B.   Advice regarding wisdoms counsel (1:20–33): Stay close to her!

1.   Her call (1:20–21): She shouts out in the streets.

2.   Her condemnation (1:22–32): She calls; fools do not listen or come to her.

3.   Her consolation (1:33): All who listen to her live in peace and safety.

STUDY RESOURCES (This takes some work and here are more resources than you can go through completely)
StudyLight (LEB) (Great site with commentaries by Burton Coffman)
NETBible (New English Translation) (Great for original text information)
BibleHub (HCSB) (Good on computer or app/phone with lots of well-organized information.)
BlueLetter  (KJV) (A variety of resources and good on Phones / better on Computers)
Literal Word (NASB) (Works well on a smartphone or computer + for searching for words like a printed concordance) (NCV) (Great on a computer especially if you have a logos account)
KnowingJesus (Phone / Computer and great for comparing translations)

  • God is ... What do we learn about God in this passage?
  • We are ... What do we learn about people in this passage?

APPLICATION(God wants us all to arrive at action, life-changing faith)
Heartlight (Great for practical application of scripture)
The Message (MSG) (An easy-to-read paraphrase that helps some with application)

  • I will ... What has the Holy Spirit revealed to us in this passage? How can I apply it to my life this week?

  • You can ... Who do you know who needs to hear this? Feel free to share with others by social media links at the bottom of this.

Extra Proverbs on Topic
Proverbs 1:20-33 
Proverbs 9:13-18

Proverbs 1:1-7
Proverbs 25:1


The Call of Wisdom
(Wisdom is more than book learning)

Contemporary examples of wisdom proverbs, which survive because they explain simply and graphically basic principles.

Two heads are better than one; Too many cooks spoil the broth; A watched pot never boils; That’s a piece of cake; Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

What are some others?

They are generalities. Two heads may be better than one, if both heads are functioning well. A watched pot doesn’t seem to want to boil rapidly, but eventually it does. If we count our chickens before they hatch, we may find that some never hatch. Success may elude us.

Definition of a proverb: It is a (1) SHORT, (2) CONDENSED, and (3) WITTY statement of (4) GENERAL truth.

I. Wisdom is a basic theme in the book of Proverbs. Descriptions of Wisdom in Proverbs:

A. To be wise is to be DISCERNING                                                                           1:5; 16:21

B. To be wise is to be RIGHTEOUS                                                                             2:9-10; 14:8, 16; 10:8 (cf. 10:31; 4:11)
C. To be wise is to be A LEARNER                                                                              10:14; 18:15; 21:11

Summary to this point:

1. Wisdom is a JOURNEY, not a DESTINATION.

2. Wisdom is a WAY OF LIFE, not a THING (OBJECT).

D. To be wise is to FEAR THE LORD                                                                            1:7; 9:10 (15:33; Job)

What does it mean to Fear the Lord?

1.  To fear the Lord is to STAND IN AWE                                                 Mal. 2:5; Lev. 1  9:3; Ex. 20:12; Ps. 33:8
2. To fear the Lord is to LISTEN TO HIM                                                  Ex. 9:20-21

3. To fear the Lord is to HATE EVIL                                                            Prov. 8:13

4. To fear the Lord is to WALK UPRIGHTLY                                             Prov. 14:2
                                                                                                                                (cf. Ps. 128:1)
Summary: To fear the Lord means a person’s life is COMMITTED to the Lord! It is not a paralyzing fear, but a very healthy respect for and awe of God.

II. The Benefits of Wisdom (9:12; 3:13-14; 16:16; 8:11)

A. Wisdom will KEEP YOU OUT OF TROUBLE                                         2:10-12, 16;7:4-5

B. Wisdom will BRING PROSPERITY                                                           3:2; 8:18, 21

C. Wisdom will PROLONG YOUR LIFE                                                       3:2, 16; 4:10; 9:11

D. Wisdom will GIVE YOU SECURITY                                                         3:21-24; 4:6, 11-12; 28:26
E. Wisdom will GIVE YOU HONOR                                                             4:8; 3:35

F. Wisdom will GIVE YOU GREAT POWER                                               21;22; 24:5,6; Eccl. 7:19
G. Wisdom will GIVE YOU LIFE                                                                    4:13, 20, 22; 8:35 (cf. 24:14)
H. Wisdom will MAKE YOUR PARENTS HAPPY                                      23:15; 27:11; 10:1; 15:20; 23:24; 24:3

III. How does a Person gain Wisdom?

A. One must be OPEN TO LEARNING                                                       9:9; 10:8; 13:10; 17:10 (cf. 15:31; 13:1; 12:15)
B. One must be DILIGENT/PERSISTENT                                                   8:17; 2:1-5; 22:17; 4:4-5
C. One must receive Wisdom from GOD                                                2:6-8 (Jas. 1:5-8)
D. One must be INSTRUCTED                                                                      21:11

IV. The Worth of Wisdom
A. It may cost you ALL YOU HAVE                                                              4:7-10
B. It is better than GOLD or SILVER                                                           16:16
C. It is worth BUYING                                                                                     23:23

V. Conclusion
                Wisdom is far more than knowledge. It is the faithful, intelligent application of learning. It is what makes a person discerning. It comes from experience, hopefully. We have all known very bright people — very experienced people — who were also very foolish. True wisdom comes from God and should be applied to His service. 

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