God's Covenant With Noah And Humankind
Genesis 8-11
Reminder: Pray to God to set your heart right as you engage His word. The text you are about to study was not written to you but is written for you. So, before applying we must ask the following questions:
- What did it mean to the original reader or original audience?
READ THE SCRIPTURE (Multiple times & translations and notice the words that standout)
Biblegateway (NIV, ESV, NET, AMP, NLT) (My choice of all-round site. It is a Great app, better on computers, but works on smartphones)
ESV (English Standard Version) Good translation
with some helpful resources.
Biblia.com (New Century Version) (Great on a computer especially if you have a logos account)Themes
Potential Sermon Titles: ??
#God =
#People =
#Time =
#Place =
#Obedient faith =
#Sin =
#Key Idea =
#People =
#Time =
#Place =
#Obedient faith =
#Sin =
#Key Idea =
Genesis 8 ESV
PRAYER: In the Name of Jesus.
Read Genesis & See Chapter Headings
Read Genesis 9
The Rainbow Covenant. This lesson explains the promises made by God to Noah concerning the survival of his family and Noah's prophecy about the future of each of his sons and their descendants.
Read Genesis & See Chapter Headings
Read Genesis 10
The Table and the Tower
Lesson #26 looks at two fascinating source events that explain the origins of all the different nations and languages in the wold today. Genesis 10:1-11:32
Read Genesis & See Chapter Headings
Read Genesis 11
OBSERVATIONS (Reflect on the topic and build the concept the writer is trying to communicate to the original audience)
ebible (NLT) (Best for having Bible sections divided by "pericope" or sections by thought)
Bible Project (NLT) (Helpful videos and instructions for the bigger picture)
Thematic Bible (Books and Chapters Structure)
Bible Hub =Outline, Themes, Topics, People, Locations, and Questions
STUDY RESOURCES (This takes some work and here are more resources than you can go through completely)
Rhys N. Thomas @ Thomas Theology Hub is a great resource.
NETBible (New English Translation) (Great for original text information)
StepBible (ESV)
(Great on phone or computer with good resources.)
Literal Word (New American Standard Bible) (Works well on a smartphone or computer + for searching for words like a printed concordance)
BlueLetter (King James Version) (A variety of resources and good on Phones / better on Computers)
BibleHub (HCSB, BSB) (Good on computer or app/phone with lots of well-organized information.)
BibleRef.com (New King James Version) Basic able to compare core translations.
KnowingJesus (Phone / Computer and great for comparing translations)
Bible.com (Lexham English Bible)
- God is ... What do we learn about God in this passage?
- We are ... What do we learn about people in this passage?
APPLICATION (God wants us all to arrive at action, life-changing faith)
Biblegateway (ICB, CSB, NLT, MSG) has some application resources. (An easy-to-read paraphrase that helps some with application)
Heartlight (Great for practical application of scripture)
- I will ... What has the Holy Spirit revealed to us in this passage? How can I apply it to my life this week?
- What transformative move needs to be made?
- You can ... Who do you know who needs to hear this? Feel free to share with others via social media links at this bottom.
Take Away Challenges
- What has the Holy Spirit revealed to you in this passage? How will you apply it to your life this week?
- Whom do you know who needs to hear this?
- What is God bringing to your attention in this discussion? What beliefs, thoughts, or actions need to be addressed or changed?
PRAYER: In the Name of Jesus.
Other Resources:
Read Genesis & See Chapter Headings
Read Genesis 9
The Rainbow Covenant. This lesson explains the promises made by God to Noah concerning the survival of his family and Noah's prophecy about the future of each of his sons and their descendants.
Read Genesis & See Chapter Headings
Read Genesis 10
The Table and the Tower
Lesson #26 looks at two fascinating source events that explain the origins of all the different nations and languages in the wold today. Genesis 10:1-11:32
Read Genesis & See Chapter Headings
Read Genesis 11
- Audio Recordings
Through the Word = Audio
Genesis 8 - https://app.throughtheword.org
Discovery Bible Study
- Articles
Babel, Tower Of:
The "tower of Babel" is only mentioned once in Scripture (Genesis 11:4-5) and then as incomplete. It was built of bricks, and the "slime" used for mortar was probably bitumen. Such authorities as we possess represent the building as destroyed soon after its erection. When the Jews, however, were carried captive into Babylonia, they thought they recognized it in the famous temple of Beaus, the modern Birs Nimrod. But the Birs‐Nimrrud though it cannot be the tower of Babel itself; may well be taken to show the probable shape and character of the edifice. This building appears to have been a sort of oblique pyramid built in seven receding stages, each successive one being nearer to the southwestern end which constituted the back of the building. The first, second and third stories were each 26 feet high the remaining four being 15 feet high. On the seventh stage there was probably placed the ark or tabernacle, which seems to have been again 15 feet high, and must have nearly, if not entirely, covered the top of the seventh story. The entire original height, allowing three feet for the platform, would thus have been 156 feet, or, without the plat‐form,163 feet.
Worldly Ambition
Philip of Macedon, wrestling in the games, was thrown in the sand. Rising, he saw the marks of his body, and exclaimed, "How little a parcel of earth will hold us, when we are dead, who are ambitiously seeking after the whole world while living!"
See: Genesis 11:4; Psalm 8:4; Isaiah 41:14
Worldly Ambition
Philip of Macedon, wrestling in the games, was thrown in the sand. Rising, he saw the marks of his body, and exclaimed, "How little a parcel of earth will hold us, when we are dead, who are ambitiously seeking after the whole world while living!"
See: Genesis 11:4; Psalm 8:4; Isaiah 41:14
- Devotions
Please let me know if you find any broken links or corrections that need to be made. Thank you for helping to make this useful.
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