Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Life of Paul - Paul's Letter to Philemon

Life of Paul - Letter to Philemon

Possible Date: 61 to 63

Scripture: Philemon

NOTE: Paul wrote all four books while in Rome as a prisoner. Philemon received his letter via Onesimus who was the subject of the epistle.

#Apostle Paul

As Paul indicated, the letter to the Colossians was to be delivered by Tychicus and Onesimus about A.D. 62, during his imprisonment at Rome (Acts 28:16–31). . Another letter, of special significance to Onesimus, is also being sent. Before coming to Rome and being converted by Paul, Onesimus had been a slave of a Christian named Philemon. Onesimus (whose name means ‘useful”) had run away from Philemon and had evidently taken some money or property belonging to his master. Paul now writes to Philemon on behalf of Onesimus and asks that Philemon accept Onesimus back as a brother in Christ. The letter is an insightful study of personal relationships among Christians and contrasts the freedoms that come when one is under bondage to Christ.

Philemon probably lived in the Lycus Valley where Colosse and Laodicea were located (see Colossians 4:15). He was a close friend of Paul, indebted to him spiritually, and a helper in his ministry (Philemon 1:1, 19). Onesimus, Philemon’s slave, had run away and been converted by Paul. Paul offers two reasons for writing this letter to Philemon: 
(1) an appeal for him to receive Onesimus as a brother in Christ (1:10–17)
(2) a request for him to prepare a guest room for Paul’s coming visit (1:22)

The letters to Philemon and to the Colossians were possibly written by Paul at the same time. Paul described himself both as a prisoner (Philemon 1:1, 9, 23) and as being aged (1:9). Many of the people mentioned in Philemon are also mentioned in Colossians: Archippus (Colossians 4:17), Onesimus (Colossians 4:9), Epaphras (Colossians 1:7; 4:12), Mark, Aristarchus (Colossians 4:10), Demas, and Luke (Colossians 4:14). Onesimus and Tychicus (Colossians 4:7–9) were the bearers of these letters.

NIV Study Bible Intro: Philemon


And outline

Other Resources:
NoteAn earlier imprisonment, either in Ephesus around A.D. 54 or 55 or in Caesarea, has also been suggested as the time of Paul’s writing (see “The Letter to the Philippians” at Philipppians 1:1). Ephesus is closer to Colosse than is Rome, thus the close proximity of Ephesus would make more likely both the capture of the runaway slave Onesimus, as well as Paul’s own hopes to visit Philemon in the near future (Philemon 1:22). 

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