Friday, January 13, 2023

Acts 5:1-16 Ananias and Sapphira = January 13

Acts 5:1-16

Ananias and Sapphira

What religious practice did you once do just because everyone else did it that way, but you have since learned more?

Text Graphic
  • God is ... What do we learn about God in this passage?
  • We are ... What do we learn about people in this passage?
  • Were Ananias and Sapphira required to sell the land and lay all the money at the apostle's feet considering Acts 4:32-37? Why or why not? What was their sin?
  • Have you ever been tempted to do a good thing from a false motive? Explain. See 1 Corinthias 13:1-3
  • What would Ananias and Sapphira gain by lying about the money they received? Why attempt the fraud?
  • Why did Peter accuse Ananias of lying to God? In what sense is every human sin an act against God?
  • Why would anyone ever believe he could pull a fast one on God?
  • How come many people who deceive God and their church today do not come to a dramatic end like Ananias and Sapphira?
  • Why were Ananias and Sapphira given no opportunity of repentance? The question remains, Why them? Why did they in particular have to suffer this fate?
  • How might great fear or uncompromising honesty be useful to God? Why do you think a growth spurt for the church followed this episode?
  • How would the incident with Ananias and Sapphira lead to the response of people in Acts 5:13-14? What words might outsiders use to describe church?
  • Have you ever seen a potential tragedy in your own spiritual life turned into a victory by God's power? Explain.
  • Is coming to Jesus or his disciples for healing the same as giving him your life? Why or Why not?
  • I will ... What has the Holy Spirit revealed to us in this passage? How can I apply it to my life this week?
  • When have you tried to fool God? What happened?
  • In what ways do you think people still try to lie to God?
  • What do you do to keep your motives pure?
  • How have you experienced the "fear of the Lord"? How has that changed your life?
  • What does the term community imply about the church?
  • In what ways did God build community among the members of the first church?
  • How do you see community being established among the members of our congregation?
  • You can ... Who do you know who needs to hear this? Feel free to share with others by social media links at the bottom of this.

apostles The men Jesus chose to be his special helpers. 
Spirit, Holy Spirit Also called the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, and the Comforter. Joined with God and Christ, he does God's work among people in the world. 
miracle(s) Miracles are amazing works done by God's power. 
Solomon's Porch An area on the east side of the temple. It was covered by a roof.

Policy or People?

Maybe you heard about the guy that left his vehicle in the parking lot of a local church. His intention was to go home and pick it up a few hours later the same day. When he got home, the phone rang. It was an irate church member telling him that it was against church policy to leave vehicles in the church's parking lot. He had to come immediately and remove it. Well, he did. But he was devastated. Saddened. Heartbroken. And he never went to church again.

I wish that it were only a preacher's story. Unfortunately, it's true. It happened. And it happened in a church that I love.

Recently I met the man. There was still bitterness in his voice as he told me the story. Somebody (and I don't know who) had called him about the church's policy. The guy had been a member of the church of Christ. But now he's bitter. Maybe unreachable. Know why? The church was following policy. It was policy before people.

I think about the Jerusalem Church of Christ. They were in the people-business. They cared about people. Served people. Taught people. Helped people. Prayed for people. Opened their doors to people. No wonder the Holy Spirit said about them, "They enjoyed the favor of all the people" (Acts 2:47).

The result? "More and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number" (Acts 5:14). People came. People believed. People obeyed. And the church grew.

Brothers and sisters, if our church is going to continue to grow, we must be in love with people. Let's do what we can to help people. Let's do what we can to make life better for people. Let's put people above policy.

If the policy of the church is not people, rewrite the policy!

Keith Parker

Hendersonville, TN

A Point, Not a Pattern
   After the Ananias and Sapphira incident, I wonder how long it took the apostles to realize God was making a point, not stamping a pattern.

   -- Michael E. Phillips in Leadership, Vol. 7, no. 4.

See: Ac 5:1-11; Heb 4:11; 2 Pe 3:17


Author: Charles Swindoll
Text: Gen 43:12, Exod 23:4, Lev 6:2-5, Matt 5:8, Acts 5:9, 1 Cor 3:13, 2 Cor 2:9, 2 Cor 8:8, 2 Cor 13:5-7, Gal 6:4, Jam 1:12

Swindoll illustration on honesty:

I love the story of the well-respected British pastor who, many years ago, took the trolley early Monday morning from his home in the suburbs to his church in the downtown section of London.  He paid the driver as he got on, preoccupied with his busy schedule and the needs of his large congregation. It wasn't until he was seated that he realized the driver has given him too much change.  Fingering the coins, his first thought was an alien one, "My, how wonderfully God provides!"  But the longer he sat there, the less comfortable he became.  His conscience telegraphed a strong signal of conviction within him.  As he walked to the door to get off near his parish, he looked at the driver and quietly said, "When I got on, you accidentally gave me too much change."

The driver, with a wry smile, replied, "It was no accident at all.  You see, I was in your congregation yesterday and heard your sermon on honesty.  I just thought I'd put you to the test, Reverend."    [1491]


Text: Acts 5:1-11, Jam 5:12

Honesty is in short supply - especially during income tax time.

A few years ago the IRS became suspicious about a deduction claim on a pastor's income tax form. He had put down $450 for a "clerical collar." - That's the little white band some ministers wear so they won't get speeding tickets. Even though the cost of living goes up all the time, the IRS agents thought this was a little out of line. When they brought him in to explain it, the minister said he had made an innocent mistake:  the $450 should have been $4.50. Sympathetic IRS men let him pay the extra tax, plus 6 percent interest.

Proof that ministers may make mistakes, but they're not bums.

Or are they?

     One shrewd auditor had second thoughts. He looked at the minister's past income tax returns and found that he had consistently misplaced decimals. For 3 years in a row things like $4.50 came out $450 in the deduction column. The red-faced pastor paid the added taxes, 6 percent interest - and a 50%  penalty for fraud.


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